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List of Urban Fantasy Success Stories, Contemporary, Historical Romance... is a new ebook that motivates you to write the book that is in you. It will help you make time to write the book that you have always wanted to write. Not only will it help you write it, but it will give you all the new tips on self-publishing platforms, print on demand publishers such as,,, etc. This ebook will give you a list of the hot genres that are selling well. This way, you will know which category to focus on.
Authors: Benito J. Latortue and Charlaine Cohen, self-published authors invite you to write and publish your own story to a worldwide audience, made possible by technology, the Internet, e-reader devices such as Apple’s iPad, Amazon’s Kindle and publishing plaftorms such as Kindle Digital Publishing,, and Smashwords….etc.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Advances in Technology Put You at the Center of The Book Publishing Industry Through Self-Publishing
Friday, June 24, 2011
How Great Thou Art, Ala Ou Gran! Dodo Tipitit Manman are some of the Songs in This New Book
Sing along with Haitian Children! Canten con los chicos Haitianos. This compilation is for those who want to sing along with Haitian Children at christian venues, outreach mission trips, schools, churches and elsewhere. Some of the songs are short choruses...
Start playing some of these choruses on your guitar or piano and the Haitian children will follow you. They will sing with you. All throughout the country, these songs are are sung in most churches or revival centers.
These are songs I used to sing with the children of my Sunday school class. L'ecole du Dimanche or Sunday school can be a lot of fun with the right selection of songs.
Just in case you are interested in having more songs, here is a new book of choruses, short Haitian hymns, Lullaby and Play songs published on this link:
Ala Ou Gran! Ala Ou Gran! How great thou art! How great thou art! Popular Haitian Children’s Choruses, Lullaby, Haitian Creole and French Church Hymns, and Other Play Songs
Find the most requested haitian hymns and other songs here:
"Alleluia Haitian Chants of Hope and Faith: Praise to Thee, O Lord, King of Eternal Glory"
You can purchase this book from Barnes and Noble's PubIt now
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
"Alleluia Haitian Chants of Hope and Faith: Praise to Thee, O Lord, King of Eternal Glory"
Here is a review of this book: "Allelluia Haitian Chants of Hope and Faith: Praise to Thee, O Lord, King of Eternal Glory... is a listing of the most requested songs or hymns on It is the web site users' and authors' selections of their favorite hymns from the famous Chants d'esperance Francais et Creoles Haitiens. The authors of this release grew up singing these songs in the church and parochial schools they attended. They are songs such as "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" -"Quel Ami Fidele et Tendre Nous Avons en Jesus-Christ," "Quel Repos, Quel Repos" - "It is Well, It is Well...," etc. This book is a personal affair for the authors as they share their love of singing in French and Haitian creole..."

Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.
Haitian Children's Choruses, Church Songs and Bonus Pack CD
Product ID: 3064
Product Name: Haitian Chants of Hope
Buy Now From CCNow
Product ID: 3068
Product Name: Most Popular Haitian Children's Choruses, Church and Play Songs
Buy Now From CCNow
Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.
New Kindle eBooks Release: "Aprendan El Creole Haitiano Hoy - Learn Haitian Creole Today - Aprann Kreyol Jodi-a"
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Guide to DSK's Trial: Le Peuple de L'Etat de New York Contre DSK (County of New York, Manhattan VS. DSK)
A book by Urban True Crime Writer, Roland Ferrero Laporte. Find more of the upcoming books by the same French author at
Get a copy of this book by Author Roland Ferrero Laporte at Le Peuple de L’Etat de New York Contre Dominique Strauss-Khan: New York State vs. Dominique Straus-Khan - The Ultimate Unauthorized Guide to DSK's Trial Proceedings
Book Description:
Get a copy of this book by Author Roland Ferrero Laporte at Le Peuple de L’Etat de New York Contre Dominique Strauss-Khan: New York State vs. Dominique Straus-Khan - The Ultimate Unauthorized Guide to DSK's Trial Proceedings
Book Description:
"Le Peuple de L’Etat de New York Contre Dominique Strauss-Khan: New York State vs. Dominique Straus-Khan - The Ultimate Unauthorized Guide to DSK's Trial Proceedings" aims at explaining the American Justice to Europeans and anybody else interested in it. Filled with texts, essays, and brief articles, and key court-related vocabulary such as DA for District Attorneys, Prosecutor, Perp Walk, Jury duty, Jury of peers, and comparison and contrast of attitudes on both sides of the Atlantic, this guide will allow you to first understand the drama surrounding the sex crimes alleged to have been committed on the Presumed Victim by Mr. Dominique Strauss-Khan, gauge the impact of such terrible news on the French political elite and country, European continent and the rest of the world as the ex-chief of the IMF stands accused of some heinous crimes at a Posh New York hotel, Sofitel. This text can also be used in a crosscultural business classroom setting. Students of the French language can also use it. Business students can use it as a reference in their study of consumer behavior and the importance of personal behavior in the workplace. Most importantly, it can be used in an introduction to business and Career class to show the negative impact of fraternization gone wrong and the effects of moral vices and crimes. Criminology students can use this text to study topics such as harassment and workplace crimes etc.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Use This eBook to Learn French by Podcast on
Amazon Kindle ebook Follow the podcast with "French Notes and Textbook for English Speakers." Purchase your copy from Kindle here
Nook ebook:
Purchase your copy of "French Notes and Textbook for English Speakers" from
Amazon Kindle ebook Follow the podcast with "French Notes and Textbook for English Speakers." Purchase your copy from Kindle here
Nook ebook:
Purchase your copy of "French Notes and Textbook for English Speakers" from